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PLEASE NOTE: These are high-quality, alcohol-based AAA graded replica perfumes (not water or oil-based). They are sealed and boxed in packaging similar to the original, with minor differences. This means they are not in replica boxes or bottles, but the appearance may vary slightly as bottles and packaging evolve over time. Occasionally, the concentration or scent may differ slightly due to variations in manufacturing outlets and alcohol bases used. The longevity of the scent can also vary; sometimes it may last longer than at other times. These perfumes are made with original ingredients, but with less alcohol and more pure ingredients, inspired by the original brands.

In certain cases, small defects may be present (such as damage to boxes, loose or broken caps, small scratches, or minor leaks), but in most cases, they are 100% perfect. We cannot offer refunds for these minor defects. Some perfumes may have older packaging than the newer versions available in retail stores, as designs are frequently updated. Please note that you are purchasing these fragrances at discounted prices and are aware of their nature.

DUE TO THE NATURE OF THE PRODUCT, WE REGRET THAT WE CANNOT OFFER REFUNDS OR RETURNS. ALL STOCK IS PURCHASED AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AFTER READING THIS DISCLAIMER. Please always check that your product is correct before opening it – once opened, we cannot replace it if it was sent incorrectly. These products are sold at lower prices because they are made with more affordable materials and may therefore have some defects or variations in scent. In most cases, they do not, and we strive to provide high quality, but there may be occasional exceptions.

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